Sunday 11 January 2015


You may think that’s quite a bold statement to make but I feel I can get away with the claim as this is quite literally the best smoothie you could have for your breakfast. Why’s that you say? This smoothie is going to set you up for the day! It contains porridge oats which are high in complex carbohydrates and soluble fibre, meaning they release energy slowly so you’ll stay full until lunchtime. Making oats a great addition to any breakfast smoothie. Come to think of it oats are a great addition to every breakfast full stop! (can you tell I love oats by now?).

What with it being January and cold/dark/rainy (or all three) outside, we are probably all needing some high energy foods right now to help us with our new gym routines and diets or just plain old getting off the sofa!

Not only does this smoothie contain energy fuelled oats, it has some other pretty spectacular ingredients too:


Flaxseed is thought to prevent the growth of cancerous cells because its omega-3 fatty acids disrupt malignant cells from clinging onto other body cells. In addition, the lignans in flaxseed have antiangiogenic properties - they stop tumors from forming new blood vessels - see spectacular! 


Cinnamon has a wide range of benefits, it can be used to help treat muscle spasms, vomiting, diarrhea, infections, the common cold, loss of appetite, and erectile dysfunction. It may also benefit those with diabetes, HIV, MS and help to prevent Alzheimer’s. Additionally cinnamon can help reduce the body’s negative response to high-fat meals.

Almond butter

Though almonds have more calories than most other nuts, almond butter is a healthy alternative to peanut butter and other spreads because of the numerous health benefits it offers. Health benefits of almond butter include a reduced risk of developing diabetes, lower cholesterol levels, and reduced blood pressure. Other benefits include increased energy levels, high amounts of protein, and high antioxidant levels. Overall heart health is one of the primary benefits of almond butter. Consuming almond butter on a regular basis may encourage healthier eating and help individuals to maintain a healthy body weight.

Ingredients: (serves 1)

- 1 frozen banana
- 1/2 cup of gluten free porridge oats
- 2 cups almond/plant based milk
- 1 pitted date
- 1 tbsp flaxseed
- 2 tbsp almond butter
- Dash of cinnamon and more for topping


Pop all the ingredients above into your blender and mix on a high/smoothie setting for around 30 seconds. You may have to stop halfway through to scrape almond butter from the side of your blender. As always if your blender can't take frozen fruits you can use a ripe banana and add ice instead, just make sure this smoothie is cold, it tastes waay better that way! This recipe made about 1.5 small 0.5ltr Kilner jars. 

Warning this smoothie is veery filling, which is a great thing to keep those mid morning munchies at bay but you may have to save some to take on the go. I could only drink half before I was about to explode and believe me that's highly unusual!

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